Best Back To School Breakfast
With schools starting soon it got me thinking about what my Mom always did to make the start of school fun for us. Now my brother and I only attended public school for 4 years, but I still remember my Mom was always super insistent on us having a good breakfast.
So, I wanted to share what is Serina’s favorite breakfast that is delicious and actually packed full of nutrients to keep those little tummies full till lunchtime! This recipe makes about 5-6 waffles in our cheap old time waffle maker, if you need more it is super easy to double!
Easy Homemade Waffles/Pancakes
1 Cup Whole Wheat Flour (or All Purpose)
1 Egg
¾-1 Cup Whole Milk
3 Tablespoon Melted Butter or Pecan Oil
1 teaspoon Vanilla
½ teaspoon Baking Soda
Cinnamon to taste (I let Serina put it in)
½ Cup Sourdough Starter (active or discard) if you have it and want the extra probiotics
Add everything in a bowl and mix with rubber spatula until just combined. Cook in your waffle iron of choice and the most important part…Enjoy!
Our favorite way is with Natural Peanut Butter and Pure Maple Syrup, it is packed full of micronutrients from the trees it comes from. We get out Maple Syrup from The Gateway Farms and it is the best!
Oh, and a side of Bacon is just the cherry on top 😉