The Best Way to Cook a Whole Chicken
It is definitely smoker/grilling season around here! One of my favorite go to meals is a spatchcocked chicken on the smoker because it only takes a couple hours. For the 3 chickens in this picture, I cooked for only about 4 hours, 1 at 180 and 3 at 225. They turned out great! One was for my parents and the other 2 were for dinner we cooked for some friends.
I still have not recorded a good video of my method of spatchcocking, which is only different than most because I use a sharp knife instead of scissors because I don’t have any scissors haha.
Anyways here’s a short, good video I found on YouTube by Southern Living to show you the basics if you have never tried it before. I highly recommend giving it a go! It totally changed Cameron’s mind on whole chickens!
Have you ever tried a spatchcock chicken? If so, what did you think of it?