Giveaway Time!!! * Updated*
*Giveaway Closed. Winner was Devon Johnson!*
We feel so incredibly blessed by you and your support of our ranch this last year we wanted to share some of our favorite products and cuts of meat with you!
This giveaway is jam packed full of goodies worth over $200!!
Simply make sure you are signed up for our email and comment below with what is your favorite holiday treat you are looking forward too! The winner will be randomly drawn on Sunday Evening the 19tn and shipped out overnight on the 20th to arrive on your door the 21st!
Now, to the good part! What is going to be inside the box of goodies!?!
It will be a Medium Ranchers Choice from us with our favorite cuts of our Dry Aged Beef, Timber Raised Pork and Green Grass Chicken with recipe cards!
Beef Jerky, Snack Sticks, and Summer Sausage from our friends in Montana at Way Good Beef. We have had their all-beef hotdogs and they are amazing! waygoodbeef.com
Our favorite local honey from High Five Honey in Springfield MO. It is a cinnamon spun honey that goes fantastic on some toast or lately we have been mixing it into oatmeal. So good! Highfivehoney.com
And finally, the last item will be a hot drink surprise…I promise you will love it and want more of it! *Update* Winner will get Avodah Farms Mushroom Chai Tea!!! It is amazing stuff and on a constant rotation at our house! shopavodahfarms.com
I just want to thank you for everything you have done to help and support us over this last year! Getting to know our customers and learning how to better serve you in the coming years has made this one of the best years of our lives. So just thank you so incredibly much! I wish we could give everyone a box!
I love all of the family time!!! Life gets crazy and I love be able to have all my family together to celebrate such a wonderful birthday!!!❤️
My favorite holiday treat is my Great Grandma’s mini nut rolls! She has been gone for 20 years now but my Mom and I carry on her tradition and make them every year with my niece and nephew! This Christmas box of goodies looks AMAZING!
Love Christmas! Christmas lights are one of my favorite. This year will be different than the past I lost my daughter this year to Covid. She loved Halloween and Christmas. It was not the sane decorating our tree. this year will be different. Merry Christmas to all
I love your tree! We are definitely a random ornament decorater. I love the hand made ones we made when i was little. Each one brings back memories! ❤❤
Oooo Christmas crack for sure!!!! Most year we have beautifully decorated matching tree and the kids have our random decorated tree which I thinks everyone’s fav. Love the star on your tree!