Spring is in the Air

Spring is in the Air

Birds are chirping, grass is greening, and everyone has a spring in their step.

This can only mean one thing, spring in arriving!

I love this season for so many reasons, one of them being the rebirth of the grass and watching the landscape change from brown to beautiful green! Our cows begin calving, the horses start acting a little friskier and the dogs run around and play all day long.

It is just a beautiful season of growth! The ranch also grows during this season. It brings longer days and we begin working hard on projects. This spring we will be working on new watering systems for the cattle. In order to help us be able to water them in their ever-moving rotational grazing pastures.  In fact, as I am typing this Cameron is cutting a huge propane tank in half to make into a portable water trough. I will share pictures on social media when he finishes!

Also, on the to do list is build 2 more chicken tractors.  We have had rave reviews on our chicken and many people have been asking for them. So, we are going to raise more this year! We will be trying a new design to make it easier to move.  Our chickens live the best life with fresh green grass everyday to eat and scratch through.  Leaving us with wonderful fertilizer for the grass, it is a mutually beneficial relationship.

This spring we are also excited to be adding laying hens to our ranch. This will be a first for us, so we will be starting small. They will be fully free range with a mobile chicken coop. Cameron and I debate on what type of mobile coop it will be, either a trailer or a truck. Still unsure but I know we better decide soon.

Finally, this spring we will start attending the Greater Springfield Farmers Market. We are extremely excited to be able to join this amazing organization! The people who run it are wonderful producers themselves and work endlessly to put on a great market for the Springfield area. Be sure to check out our Social Media for the dates we will be there!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Share your favorite part of spring in the comments! I would love to hear from you!

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