
  • Are You Ready for Thanksgiving???

    Are You Ready for Thanksgiving???

    Anyone think it is too soon to be planning your thanksgiving meal?? Before we started this business I definitely would have been like “who thinks about thanksgiving in August?” Well, the answer to that question is, your rancher does. That...

    1 comment
  • Mundi Our Little Polar Bear

    Mundi Our Little Polar Bear

    We had a heartbreak on the ranch this week. We had to put down our Colorado Mountain Dog Mundi, who guarded all the animals around here faithfully for the last 2 years. She was accidentally ran over by our farm...

  • Just a Few Thoughts

    Just a Few Thoughts

    This picture of Serina and the sunflower are in a pasture we planted a cover crop in this spring. I would love more fields like this one! 
  • Grass Finished? Corn Finished? Or what?

    Grass Finished? Corn Finished? Or what?

    I wanted to cover something that has been coming up quite a bit lately. To be honest, I have avoided this blog for awhile now, I don’t want to disappoint anyone because we don’t really fit neatly into the box of grass finished regenerative grazers
  • Chickens in the Freezer and a Little Break for Us

    Chickens in the Freezer and a Little Break for Us

    The last batch of spring/summer chickens are in the freezer!

    Part of our responsibility in raising meat as we do, is to make sure they are raised in the best conditions possible for their health and comfort.